14 DPO


Today my AF should have come… nothing! A got a BFN at 9 DPO and today at 14 DPO! (<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> says). <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> was accurate every time my AF day, I don’t know about Peak day because I don’t use ovulation test anymore… I took a Brake for some time…

I noticed transparent CM and also watery CM, like cloudy white.

My cycle is very regular and I today I have no symptoms of AF. A day or two before AF comes I have some symptoms now nothing… no sign of it! I don’t know what to think…

We are TTC for some time now and we don’t want to have high hopes and to be disappointed again…😐

My question is did you get a BFP after 14 DPO?

Other symptomes: sore breasts, appetite, fatigue, some dizziness, headache, Back pain…

Thank so much and all the baby dust to you!

All the Best.


UPDATE: 3 days late no AF, brown discharge since yesterday, a biggg lower back pain 🙁 it’s AF or a sign of pregnancy? Also mild cramps all 3 days.

2 days ago a got a negative again… usually I get brown cm on the day my period starts. But a different one now it’s stretchy and sticky.

Did anyone got this and ended with a BFP ??? Thank you.