Who do I speak too

Ok so boom.. 😂.. I met my Boyfriend when I went out for my friends birthday who is her best friend they’ve know each other since elementary school. Since then we’ve been talking n what not but I didn’t tell her until probably lik 5 months after. (We fucked during her birthday trip she just didn’t know we still were messing with each other still) and since then she’s been acting weird she does lil things just to annoy me. Like when ever I’m there she’ll ask what his mom cooked n if I don’t know she’ll have a slick comment. One time I was on the phone with him n she asked me to tell him something n because I ain’t tell him right away she said she’s gonna call him while I’m talking to him …😒… and lastly the thing that push it over the edge of why I don’t fuck with her the way I use too is because at MY Birthday dinner last year while she was with HER man she look me in the eyes and then proceeded to ask my man to help her take off her shoes 🙄 (now you may say you’re buggin it’s not that’s serious it’s just shoes.. but she could’ve asked her own man that’s why he’s there) so this is just a few things I been checking the situation out all year just to make sure I’m not buggin n now ima approach it but I’m not sure who to approach 🤔

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