Anyone one else married but feel like a single mom?

I do everything clean, cook and take care of our babies most the time. When I do tell him I need more help he makes a sad face and says I do help sometimes. I told him sometimes but only when I ask. Definitely not a lot as I wish. I say I need more help with cleaning and he says I cleaned last week and i was like okay I clean everyday. We moved in our place like 8/9 months ago and so far he cleaned a total of 7 times. Believe me I talk to him all the time his excuse is I have the baby or I don’t know how to clean or where to put things. Like I clean with the baby stop using it as an excuse I do all the time. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It just makes me so stressed, overwhelmed and angry. My sadness turns to madness if that makes sense. Like i can be sad because I’m so stressed but then I get mad right away and say to myself why the hell ain’t he helping and I’m doing it all by myself.