Breaking baby bones in the womb

So my older sister keeps trying to convince me if I keep bending over I'm gonna break my baby's bones 🤦🏽‍♀️. She's been saying stupid shit like this all my life. I asked her where tf she got that from and she told me it happened to her she bent over while pregnant and heard her babies bones break....Now I never heard, saw or knew she was pregnant after she had my nephew, I called my mom to ask if she was pregnant after her last( and just to check with my mom if maybe it's possible because I'm scared of everything in pregnancy) and she said no. So IF she was pregnant she never told anyone(Not like her)! I get that I'm her little sister and she likes to pick with me but the lying to be right (especially when she's completely wrong and just making shit up and she know I have a child it's not like I've never been pregnant) is really annoying me. She knows we had a miscarriage and than an ectopic and that my anxiety has been getting the best of me.. Im horrified all the time I'll lose my baby for some reasons. It's to the point I don't wanna talk to her because she lies SO much and I don't understand what she's getting out of telling me weird shit like this knowing all my husband and I have been through on our ttc journey.

Anyway just venting.