
I’m a 19 year old female, I’m in college I’m a semester away from my associates degree. I’ve been in a very stable relationship for 2 years. My boyfriends parents are amazing treat me like family my parents are the same to him. Recently my boyfriends parents and my parents have been asking when we are going to get married or atleast engaged. My bf and I have talked about it countless times and we want to. We’ve also discussed having kids how many when etc. This has been over the course of the past 6 months. In the past 3 months or so I’ve been confiding in my bf that I feel very empty and when we sit down together and reflect and try and figure out why I feel the way I feel it always comes to the fact that I don’t feel as if I’m doing enough. Again I’m in college a full time student I also work and I’m starting a business. My boyfriend received his associates, works full time and has also started a business. Despite all of the things Being done I still feel very unfulfilled. I’ve been thinking and praying on what I feel like will make me be fulfilled and the answer/conclusion I keep coming to is being a mother. I’ve wanted to be a mother more than any job in the world I honestly feel like being a mom is the most important an fulfilling job in the world. It’s all I’ve ever wanted but I cannot stop feeling like it’s wrong for me to want that at my age. I’m really just open to opinions on this honestly. Is it crazy of me to want o start my family so young? Is it wrong of me to not feel fulfilled by another other job besides raising children? Is it wrong of me to not want to work a 9-5 and be a stay at home mom and business owner?

This is no hate I honestly just want advice from everyone’s point of view thank you