Husband gets frustrated and shouts around baby

Rebecca • Wife💍 Harrisons mommy 🥰 TTC baby #2

Hey ladies, i just had my son 5 weeks ago. Up until recently my husband has been great with our son but i think the excitement has worn off for him and he now gets impatient when our son doesnt sleep when my husband wants him to sleep. I keep reminding him we are on babies schedule right now. He will sleep when hes tired and wake when hes not tired or needs to eat or needs a diaper change. Hes so quick to hand our son to me when he cries because "mommy is better at comforting him" im very exhausted being the only parent to comfort him when hes upset but at the same time when my husband gets frustrated he gets loud and cranky. Of course a baby isnt going to be comforted by someone yelling and tense. He ends up raising his voice at me because i try and tell him to stay calm because our son needs a calm environment to be calm himself. I tell him its fine to be frustrated but we cant be yelling and slamming things. That isnt going to make our son sleep. Ladies, what do i do?