100%, 50/50, 80/20 ...


They always say that in your marriage there will be days where it's 100% 50/50, or 80/20, . Meaning some days you'll both be great, some days you'll be doing rough so your spouse picks up more weight or vice versa. Well today was one of those days. I was sick with a headache yesterday and felt like I needed to do double the housework today to make up for it, so I busted my butt on housework until it was time to go to work. When my husband got off work he had called me a few times while I was working, and I could tell he had a bad day at work. When I got home I just wanted to cuddle and relax with my husband, but I could tell he had definitely had a few, which is okay, our daughter is away for the night and he was just responsible for himself.. I let him vent about his day again(he told me bits over the phone earlier) and he fell asleep on the couch watching TV. I laid his head down on pillows and swug his feet up and tucked him in so his neck wouldn't hurt in the morning.... I guess my whole point for this ramble is that I could've came home after an equally long day and been upset that the trash wasn't out like I asked earlier, or that he was so drunk he was speaking cursive lol, and I wanted to talk to him for the first time in person today, or over the cans and wrappers sitting in my fleshly leaned living room, but I could tell he needed me to handle the extra today. Today was my turn for 80/20. He had a BAD DAY. So I listened to his day, I made him comfortable, I picked up each snack wrapper and can and threw them away quietly as he slept. ❤

Hopefully tomorrow he has a better day, and when it's my turn to need him to pick up that extra, he'll be there.