Is it wrong that I feel a little offended?

Tess • Nari Lyn 11/13/17•Emma Rose 3/17/19•Pierce James 9/28/20•Willow Grace 3/22/22

My oldest daughter who is 4 is half Korean/white, it’s pretty obvious as she really doesn’t look white at all haha. (My other two kids are half Filipino)

My uncle, who is white, came for a visit last week and said somethings that went like this;

Uncle: Isn’t Nari like half Korean?

Me: Yeah she is

Uncle: Please tell me you’re teaching her Korean! You have to! She’s Asian!

Me: (I actually know some Korean because I used to teach ESL to Korean students) I might when she’s older but I don’t think I’m the right one to teach it to her as I’m not fluent, I cook her Korean foods sometimes though

Uncle: Oh come on she’s Asian she needs to know her language! I have a Korean friend and she taught me some stuff.

Then he goes up to my daughter and talks loudly (like those ignorant people that talk to foreigners like they’re stupid) like: “KAM-SOM-NEE-DA” “AN-YO-HA-SA-YO” . Basically he yelled in very very poor Korean and my daughter just looked at him like the hell, lol.

I told him not to worry about it and to drop that but throughout this visit he kept doing that, then he asked what my other two kids are. I told him half Filipino , and he straight up told me “Ooo... yeah I wouldn’t tell anyone that... just teach them all Korean”