Is something to go to triage for? Or is this normal?

I posted last night and everyone said it was PUPPPS but it has progressed since then and I am curious.

I’m 27 weeks today and for a few days, my belly has seemed really itchy. Then last night I saw a rash (first pic) and had burning sensations, especially when it was touched by literally anything, even a shirt. It went away for a few hours during the day but then came back. Now I also have a similar rash on the back of my hands. I looked it up and it says Puppps doesn’t affect hands. It’s all super itchy

My mom thinks it might be a symptom of the really bad bladder infection I had or a side effect of the Keflex. But all my symptoms from the infection disappeared, I am on my last Keflex dose, and I have taken it multiple times before with no issue

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