33 and worried


I have to keep telling myself everything will be okay, no matter what. I’m 33 and I have a 10 yr old, he was a Micro Preemie, born @ 26 weeks gestation, weighing 1 lb 11oz. I was given medicine to take as part of my pre op to get a hysterectomy, because my PCOS was so horrible. My OBGYN had seen my problems of bleeding for months at a time, so she suggested it hysterectomy. I ended up becoming pregnant while taking those meds for pre op. She thought I would never have a child and there I was pregnant, not able to get a hysterectomy, thankfully. But was a single mother from pregnancy until 2019 (met husband!)

Fast forward to current day, got married (last year) and we have been trying since.. I am now 14 DPO, day 1 of late period. All tests say no, negative, big ole nope! I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m scared that my age and PCOS problems will prevent baby #2. This is just me venting😞 I feel selfish for wanting another baby, and then venting about it on here when there are women who haven’t even been able to have 1 of their own, and here I am upset. Please tell me there’s hope with my husband and I having a baby in my 30’s, with all things considered…. I really just want him to have one of his own, that he can watch grow. He came into my sons life at 8. He’d be a great Girl Dad.