Hoping for my rainbow 🌈


*trigger warning-misscarriage*

I guess just in need of a little positivity... and maybe someone to talk me pit of taking 100 tests a day during the tww 😬

In November, at around 6 weeks pregnant, I contracted covid. A week later, I lost the pregnancy. Coincide, or due to covid, we will never know. Gut wrenching and heart breaking none the less. I was already in love and invisioning our future as a family of 5. We were on cloud 9, ready for our family to grow.

So here we are, a week out from my first ovulation post miscarriage. We did the baby dance the 2 days leading up to ovulation, so I know pregnancy is a possibility and I'm praying so hard for my rainbow. I know it's crazy early but anxiety got the best of me and I took a test this am and I swear I can see the very faintest, barely humanly visible, won't show up in a picture, faintest of faint lines. Fingers crossed that this is my rainbow baby and that it's a sticky baby and we can get through with put complications. ❤

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Step awayyy from the tests lol I’m all for testing early, but let’s be reasonable and wait until at least 9DPOGood luck! My daughter was conceived the cycle after an early miscarriage 🙂