Missed birth control


Hi so I ran out of birth control (I’m on a specific kind that I have to take at the same time every day) and didn’t take it yesterday and I’m not gonna be able to get new ones until tomorrow or the day after so I’m gonna miss a couple days. I’m not sexually active and the only reason I got on birth control was for my horrible periods. The birth control I take is norethindrone and so I take the pill every day 365. I’m not worried about pregnancy but I’m just worried it’ll mess up my period bc I know you have to be really on top of this so like… missing a couple days, how much will that mess up my cycle?? Cus when I first started I’d literally get my period every like week not even kidding. Also I’m sort of crampy today even tho I just got off my period and idk if it has anything to do with not taking the pill or if I’m just paranoid lmao help