Twin Flames?

I feel like I'm going crazy. I've never been infatuated with anyone ever in my life. I don't even remember feeling like this when I was a kid. And I've dated quite a bit.

But there was this person that I just felt this extreme physical sensation with whenever I saw them.... it was like lightening in my stomach or something. And I'm so nervous around them, which is also super odd for me. And they're the same way; generally pretty confident, but nervous around me. My friend set us up because we were too awkward to talk to each other. They ended up ghosting me after a few conversations, but we still have to see each other relatively often.

The weirdest thing is that I keep seeing their name. It's everywhere. I don't read too much into this when I see it on social media or tv or something, but it's happened a few times on things that are personal to me and it's really starting to get to me. Am I going crazy or is this really happening? Sometimes I wonder if it's happening to them too.