Any one else over here like GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME?


Ok this is my 7th pregnancy and I have never been this miserable. She has been working on breaking my ribs for about a month now. I have horrible muscle damage now all on the right side on top of I have had an existing liver condition. I have been in so much pain for about a month now and I’m finally 37 weeks +. Due Feb 17th.

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Posted at
Due Feb 18th and super awful pelvic pressure 😩 My 4th baby and none of the other ones were like this. I haven't had a cervix check so i don't know if I'm dilated any or not. Only have been having braxton hicks but not as much since I stopped working. As long as she's good and healthy I hope she stays in, at my last ultrasound she was measuring in the 18th percentile so going to 40 weeks is the goal 🤞🏼 I am miserable though lol.


Posted at
Yesss due 2/16 but doc says she can come at anytime. She is super low and fully engaged and I’m 2cm. If I make it to my next appointment, doc will give me a membrane sweep. Been having contractions all day today but they aren’t strong and are sporadic. So readyyyyyy


Aliyah • Jan 29, 2022
Same due date and I wanna ask my doctor to do a membrane sweep but pretty nervous because it’s my first pregnancy , I am 2 cm dilated with a 8 pound baby inside of me . They are going to keep measuring her because if she keeps getting bigger then I will get induce


Posted at
I’m so so sorry everyone I know you’re so close! I developed preeclampsia at 37 weeks exactly ( Monday 1-24-22) and my baby was born really quickly. He came out completely bruised and his tiny liver can’t handle the amount of red blood cells that the bruises produced, I can’t nurse him because his sucking reflex is weak, and we are in the hospital under the Bili lights until who knows when, because he’s very very close to being over the limit of 20. He was 19.7 and at 20 serious complications can happen like brain damage. After 24 hours under the lamps he only went down .1. I understand that you are all miserable I was too… he was 8lbs 8oz and 21 inches long and I’m only 5 ft tall… but I sure do wish he could have stayed in just another week to not have all of these complications 😭😭😭


Brandey • Jan 29, 2022
Beautiful baby!! Good luck sweetie!!


Posted at
My due date it’s Feb 18th and 37 weeks. Extreme pelvic pressure and tons of irregular contractions. Have been dilated at 2.5 for 3 weeks


Lindsey • Jan 29, 2022
Idk how effaced I am but my first was preterm at 36 weeks and I am surprised I made it this long and so is my dr since I was showing signs of labor at 34 weeks. Anywho I am ready for her to come. My water broke with her and I hope that happens again with this little one


Brandey • Jan 29, 2022
Doc said I was at a 2 and 60-70% effaced