Long Overdue Birth Story


I always loved reading everyone’s birth stories when I was pregnant and was up late at night in my third trimester unable to sleep. So I’m here to help the insomnia mamas who need a good read.

My baby was due Dec 13, 2020. And like I had projected, she wasn’t going to arrive on her due date. She would arrive early and fast. She came at 37 weeks and 5 days. I’d like to mention now that she was my second baby and like most second time mamas can agree they usually come earlier and earlier and faster and faster.

So I’d like to also note that I probably should have been home resting.

But there I was pregnant and feeling it, out at my husbands mothers boyfriends parents ranch on thanksgiving Nov 26 🙄 (don’t get me started on alll that) there I was walking around the property because I already had a toddler who wanted to explore and I didn’t trust the people on the property much less the dogs to ensure she didn’t get hurt. (I’m a little bit more relaxed now having two, but at the time I wasn’t)

So we leave, finally going home to rest, just waiting for baby girl to make her arrival known.

And well she made it known!

At 3:00am Nov 27, my water broke. It was the POP! That you hear about in the movies and the girl dramatically rushes out of bed to tell her husband her water had just broke and he frantically rushed over to her.

Yeah, I said the pop.

It woke me out of deep sleep. I shake my husband to let him know my water broke. Only for him to roll over, reach my legs and bedside and say “no it didn’t” and roll back over.

Now, now, before you judge, I hadn’t started to leak and he had smelled the water from my previous pregnancy, so I can understand why he would think that. I still give him a hard time about this. I won’t ever let it go. 😏

Anyway, I say okay, well I’ll start timing my contractions cause once that pop happened the contractions hit, and they kept on hitting.

I called my mom, I think three times before she finally answered. Still had to wait for her to get to my house to watch my daughter who was still sleeping. So by the time my contractions got worse and by the time she got to my house it was about 5:10am

Okay so I was timing contractions, got out of bed to use the bathroom. And here’s where it gets TMI. Fair warning.

I can’t get up. I’m pooping so much. My body is legit just emptying itself out. I was still on the toilet when my mom arrived. Two hours of just constant going plus contractions. 10 min, then 5 then 2.

I had to force myself to stop or I knew I was about to have my baby at home. Well we live about 35-40 min from one of the Kaiser hospitals the next one is 1:15 away, give or take on traffic. The further one away has a better nicu in case something were to happen to the baby but considering my contractions were less than two minutes away, there was no way in hell I was going to allow my husband to drive me to that one. So we opted for the closer one. And so we arrive 5:40am. He was speeding. 😅 I can’t get out of the dang car. He goes out into the er to get help, they come around to help and bam, I start leaking more. And the pressure I feel is like I have to pee kind of pressure. But the contractions were awful. Well im having a baby during COVID procedure times and they didn’t allow my husband to come up with me till they made sure I was in active labor. 🙄 I’m telling the guy wheeling me up to L&D make sure they give me an epidural and get my husband up here and can you walk any faster?!

They put me in a room, the nurse is trying to undress me and gown me up and I’m telling her I’m still leaking. She said we need to check how far along you are. So finally I’m able to get into the stupid bed and the dr comes in at says you’re 8cm. I tell him I want an epidural and my husband. He says we don’t have time. He leaves and the nurses come back in to get info and put in an iv and I’m still contracting hard and trying to hold onto something to help with the pain so I keep moving and because I keep moving I pulled the iv out and they had to start all over. Well by the time they try again I’m telling the nurse the baby is coming and this (I mean this with the most dumb founded look on my face as I type this) nurse has the audacity to tell me don’t push. As if I had any control over what my body was doing. I tell I need to push. Someone runs out to grab the dr. He said I’m here go ahead and push. Well I had already pushed once, and two more pushes and she arrived at 6:01am.

I’d like to add here, that the nurse took my phone to call my husband to let him know he could come up but failed to say hurry up she’s pushing. So he missed the birth of our daughter. Thanks a lot COVID policy. 😐😒 it took exactly three minutes from when the call was made to when she made her arrival. I hate that nurse.

But my baby was healthy, I didn’t tear. (With my first I had to get cut and sewn up)

7 pounds 4oz

20 inches long

And the dr noted that she measured 2 weeks early at delivery. I can only imagine what she would have been on her due date.

But that’s my story, hope you liked it. 💜😅