18 month old still waking


She has never been a good sleeper. She started to sleep through only recently.

We had a few good night's with her, maybe 3 in a row and now she's back to waking around 2/3am.

We don't give her milk anymore unless it's a very last resort but even milk hasn't worked tonight!

I've checked her nappy, doesn't need changing.

Could she be afraid of the dark?

She screams, not just a little cry, but full on crying and screaming so I have to go in.

I have a newborn and the wakes at night are killing me. I've been into 18 month old 3 times tonight! Newborn has only woken once!

Hubby has just gone in to cuddle and settle. We've tried not picking her up but that makes things alot worse! She then stands up and screams