

Hey everyone,

This is my first post. My husband and I (25 and 26) have been trying for 5 months. I know it isn’t a long time in the grand scheme of things. My best friend and her husband got pregnant less than a month after coming off of birth control.

My sister and her husband (30 and 34) just started trying 1 month ago and announced they were pregnant yesterday.

I am SO happy for them, and can’t wait to be an aunt, but I’m also devastated. Which I feel terrible about.

It feels like everyone is getting pregnant or is having their baby, and I just feel like it won’t happen for me.

I want to talk to a doctor, but I don’t think anyone would look into my concerns.

I know things happen when they are supposed to, but I’ve been doing “everything right” for the last 5 months and nothing yet.

I’m just discouraged.