Need some help!


So me and fiancé have been together for awhile we’re expecting out first child but lately I’ve been over thinking a lot. He has had this one friend forever and I hate him, he has no respect for women he cheats on his girlfriend every second day and he’s just a big piece of shit just seeing his face makes me mad. Lately my fiancé has been getting added to group chats by that friend with a bunch of girls in them, his friend also makes him add girls on snap chat and instagram. i usually go to bed early when his friend is over to give them time alone and bc his friend annoys me, and about an hour later I wake up and hear his friend on FaceTime with some girl with my fiancé. It’s almost as if he’s trying to my make fiancé cheat on me too like he does to his girlfriend or make me mad enough to leave my fiancé, this whole situation makes my blood boil and I have no clue what to do!!!!