Induction and l&d questions

Hey mamas,

I had an ob appt yesterday and she was going to strip membranes to get me ready for my induction for 2/2. She checked my cervix and turns out I’m 3cm dilated and baby is super low so she didn’t do that. Instead around 8pm tonight I head into l&d and they’re going to get me checked in and start an oral medication cytotec just to kind of get me ready. I’m super nervous as this is my first induction and have no idea what to expect. Last night I had a few contractions about 15minutes apart for about an hr but then they just stopped. Today I just plan on getting the car seat in my car, picking up the house and making sure I have everything I need packed.

Has anyone has this medication and what was your experience? Please share stories I’m really hoping she comes 2/2. Thank you mamas 💕