Scar tissue on cervix after LEEP


So I had a LEEP procedure in may of 2021 and got pregnant basically the moment I was “cleared” after the procedure. Which you know things happen haha. Anyway I have been worried my whole pregnancy about having an incompetent cervix causing a miscarriage, luckily that didn’t happen as I am 37 weeks. My doctor started cervix checks yesterday he said that I was closed still and because of the LEEP it left scar tissue and he wound have to “manually dilate me” which I have no idea what that means. But I read online about how you can massage the cervix and by you I mean the nurses and doctors and it can knock off the scar tissue and cause you to dilate like normal. I’m not sure if that was maybe what he meant or not. Anyway my question is has anyone experienced this? How did labor go? Or how are you doing with it? My first pregnancy i labored for a long time. So I am worried about it. Ever since the cervix check I have been having cramping, light spotting and contractions. Can that be caused by a cervix check? I was wondering if he tried to get the scar tissue off yesterday and didn’t mention it? Or if it’s normal