Nexplanon Questions


Hi! Main question at the bottom, explanation to it right below! Also, I'm 17!

So, I recently got the Nexplanon implant that lasts 5 years. I got it January 11th, and was expecting my period that same week, my discharge was changing like normal, and I was starting to feel that period-sick. However, I never got it? It is February now, and I still haven't gotten it.

A friend of mine who also has the implant said hers stopped immediately too. She has naturally very light periods though, whereas I have AWFUL heavy ones.

I do skip mine sometimes, whether it be due to stress or for no reason. I have been quite stressed lately due to family issues, but if I skip one I don't feel the period coming like I did.

I'm not too worried about it honestly, but if someone has an explanation that would help out so much.

So, is it normal for Nexplanon to stop periods for some people immediately? Even if the person normally have awful, heavy periods?