Never again


I am pregnant with my first child and I have never felt so alone. So far this pregnancy hasn’t enjoyed a single second. My partner has one child before this was and kept talking about he can’t wait for his second child because he is going to do all the thing he missed out on with his first. He didn’t know he had a child until the baby was like 2 years old. I told him it’s not all a fancy or pretty like the internet make it seems but his response is I don’t care I wanna be there for it all and so far he kinda hasn’t. Yes he goes with me to the doctor or sat in the er with me when I was bleeding but other than that nope. No emotional support nor support at home. He keeps wanting to have sex but doctor said we can’t until 16 weeks ( I am also happy cause I don’t feels sexual) because of how bad my journey has been but that’s all he keeps trying to do like every 2 to 3 days. He keeps trying to put all his weight on me like before and I kept telling him he can’t then he gets mad that I don’t care about him. I sleep on the couch because the bed is uncomfortable he think he has something to do with him even though I said it not, so now he doesn’t eat when I cook. I keep having hot flashes and like I am sick and and he comes and does is do you need anything nope cool then locks himself in the bed room. I really wish I had a partner that gets that my body is changing, my emotions are out of my control and that doesn’t just see how physically it’s affecting but emotionally as well and not push me away. I have tried speaking to him about it but he doesn’t really listen and says I am always complaining but what about him and his needs. This is the worst experience ever and I don’t plan on EVER having another child with anyone.