Can’t believe this

Because I don’t really have anyone to share this news with I thought why not share it here with people I don’t know personally just to get this off my chest. I found out in December that my boyfriend may have another child on the way. The woman is adamant that he is the father but he’s saying he don’t think it’s his child. Regardless I’m still hurt over the fact that he cheated and could potentially have another baby on the way that will be born within 2 months from when I have my baby. This whole situation has made our relationship worse because now I don’t trust him, and I’m constantly accusing him of cheating. They do not speak, and since then me and the woman have spoken twice cordially. Sometimes I just don’t even think it’s worth being with him because he just hurts me time and time again but I’m still in love with him + I’m carrying his baby. It’s so hard and it’s even harder I’m experiencing this while I’m pregnant. Please do not judge, it’s already difficult enough dealing with this.