Chemical pregnancy symptoms?

Tiffany • •Mother to Arcadious Nicolai,Aurelious Xavier & Aries Astraeus💙•27•Texas born and raised but living in Oklahoma•

Last Week I got a positive pregnancy test and I thought I should do a another one after a few days and I’ve got nothing but negatives now.

Some people mentioned it could be a chemical pregnancy. Earlier this week I started spotting but not for a whole day just randomly but 3 days ago when I wiped it would be a bright red but that was it. I’m not bleeding like I would when I have my period and I’ve never have cramps either. (I’m not cramping at all)

I’ve been wearing pantyliners just because I’ve been spotting nothing more. Could this be a chemical pregnancy? I’ve had 3 babies and I’ve never had this happen so I’m a bit confused.