Nicu Stay after 34 week planned CSection

Hayley • 🌻🌻

I’m due to have my baby at 34 weeks due to complete placenta previa and placenta accreta. I will not be taking baby home as I would hope and it sounds as though that I need to plan for a 2 week nicu stay at the minimum. Do I bring her diaper bag with comforts from home? What do I bring for myself this is number 3 so I have my bag packed but I have it packed as though I will have bleeding. I will have to have a hysterectomy after delivery due to the placenta accreta, so will I still have the after birth bleeding? I will have to have a blood transfusion and the surgeons are moving me from OB OR to a general surgery unit for the hysterectomy after baby is born. I won’t get to meet her until after I’m coherent from the general anesthesia. I’m so all over the place, stressed and overwhelmed. I kept this pregnancy a secret until the beginning of January so my family has been super helpful but no one has had this type of situation. 😖 HELP! My brain is overstimulated and running all over the place with think about the what ifs. 🤣