Best sleep schedule for 6 week old?


My baby is 6 weeks old and seems to be a good sleeper (she is also gaining plenty of weight - she was 9 lbs 8 oz at her 1 month checkup - was 7 lbs at birth). We’ll start her bedtime bottle at around 8/8:30 and she’ll go down around 8:30-9:30. I breastfeed during the day but my husband gives her a bottle of breastmilk for the nighttime feeding and when he feeds her in the morning. This way, we know exactly how much she is getting before bed and know she won’t wake out of hunger.

My problem is that I wake up around every 4 hours because I need to drain my boobs. At first, I would let her sleep, but she would wake up about an hour later and then I’m up in the middle of the night for hours. Now, I’ve been getting up around 3 or 4 am to gently breastfeed her, then she goes back to sleep easily and wakes again around 7 or 8 am. I don’t like getting up before 9, so my husband does this feeding while I pump and then go back to bed for an hour or 2.

Does anyone have a similar schedule or know how I could improve? Should I try pushing myself past 4 hours or am I risking my milk supply plummeting?