1 year old behavior question


Hi all!! Just looking for some input, as I think I could be reading too deeply into the situation. I’ve just never seen my older child do this so naturally I wonder, is this normal?😂 my 1 year old daughter puts everything that makes noise (generally it’s music) up to her ears. She has many sound/music making toys, they seem to be her favorite. Whenever a toy makes sounds or I have my phone playing something, she takes it up holds it up to her ear the whole time the song/sound plays, sometimes switches it back and forth to each ear. She been doing this for a few months, it’s super cute I just wondered if I should be concerned about anything? She turned one on thanksgiving, she’s very quiet (she is not interested in talking, she will mimick my tone when I say “Hi” but that’s pretty much it besides some small babbling Mae-Mae and ya-ya-ya that she just started a week or two ago) but very active. Thanks 💛