Hi Guys! Having a dilemma here and thought I’d get other mommas opinions! Sorry it’s so long.

I’ve been a sahm for almost 2 years with my daughter . I LOVE it. I’m pregnant with #2 due this summer as well. It’s been a rough pregnancy but we’re excited for our rainbow!

We get by on my husbands salary fine. Not like vacation and buy new cars money but our bills are paid and we have a little savings and can eat out if we want to.. winter is a bit tighter with his job field being slow and a little more stressful money wise but we survive. My husband works his ass off for us.

My dilemma is I got offered an amazing job opportunity and I’m torn between returning to the workforce now for this opportunity. I planned on going back to work in a few years when my kids are in school but this job is kinda a now or never opportunity and unlikely for another like it to come along later... It’s amazing money and benefits that honestly would set our family from “getting by” to very well off. My husband could cut back his overtime hours if he wanted to even. This kinda pay would be something I’d have to work up to for years if I tried to do it anywhere else and may not even get to this high.

I’m not the biggest fan of daycares but I do know they’d benefit my daughter for socialization as well since she’s been home with me so far. I would probably hire a in home sitter/nanny when baby #2 was involved with childcare.

My husband is 100% on board with whatever I decide.. he’s made it clear I don’t have to go back to work if I don’t feel ready. It’s kinda terrible timing too with being pregnant but idk .. it’s an amazing opportunity for my career I was working on before I stayed home , it’s amazing money for our family, but I’m so sad that I would miss out on the same time with #2 I had with my first .. and missing out on time with either of them at all honestly. Our family isnt like hurting for money but I also see it as an opportunity to really enhance my kids lives with experiences and stuff we couldn’t add to the bills now honestly so idk. It’s full time only but set hours. Gov benefits and they’d cover the rest of my eduction/training ..

So what would you do? Go back to work now even timing isn’t great or continue to stay home & hope something later m MAYBE comes along like this .. 😅