10 moth early wakings?


My baby is 10 month we have her on a pretty regular schedule . She sleeps from 8 pm till 7 am and has 2 naps ( first from 9.30/10 am - 11/11.30 am second from 3/3.15pm- 4pm ) lately though she started waking up at around 4-5 am and just won’t settle ( she is clearly sleepy) her eyes closed but she will cry if you don’t pick her up and hold her. She will only stay asleep in my arms and if I try to put her down she cries( it just seems like she is in a very light sleep and won’t go to deep sleep) this can be an hour long and than when we finally are able to put her down at around 6 am she will sleep through and sleep till 8/8.20 am witch messes her whole schedule up ( before she would always wake between 6.30 -7 am)

Anybody else experience the same?is she ready for one nap?

Note: my milk supply dropped lately, so I am not always able to settle her with a boob and have to rock her instead.

She feeds at night 3-4 times for comfort too.

Is it due to low supply?

Usually she is easy to settle with boob and little rocking.

We don’t want the CIO.

Thank you for any advise you may have and stay safe everyone!