Trying for another baby?

Courtney • Mommy of five👧🏼👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏽👶🏽 Wifey to the best 💍🥰 Healthcare for life 👩🏼‍⚕️🚑 Arizonan 🏜🌞 YouTube and IG @oncloudscott please subscribe to real life!

Anyone else planning when they’re having their next baby or trying to get pregnant soon? We decided on two more kids making a total of seven and really want to get the next two knocked out. Our first two are 22 months apart than I had a four year gap between our next set whom are 19 months apart (our favorite age gap) than this last one we had is 23 months from them. We’re hoping to make these next two about the same age gaps. Almost two years apart but I wouldn’t mind even earlier. We would like a February or March baby. Or a September or October baby next year.