Baby’s head too big 😂

Rebecca :: 👼🏻 👼🏻 👼🏻👶🏼👼🏻👶🏼👼🏻

Today I had my 36 week ultrasound with my high-risk doctor due to a large 9cm fibroid to the left of my cervix. Well as it turns out, the fibroid isn’t the only thing preventing me from delivering naturally…the baby’s head is in the 99th percentile 😂 They verified that the baby’s head size is not due to any concerning conditions - he just takes after his daddy’s big head. He’s body is measuring right on track, so he’s estimated to weigh between 6-7lbs at birth. I’m waiting to hear back from the hospital as to their availability, but he will be born sometime on March 3, 4, 7, or 8! I can’t believe it’s happening so soon!

Here’s a pic of my adorable large-headed child!