I'm curious!


So if course I'm late for my period but sometimes that does generally just happen, anyway, I've noticed little things like I'm uncontrollably emotional and yesterday was a hard day but again could be a sign of period, my nipples hurt but not my breasts, again could be a sign of period, been craving more meat, could be down to a iron deficiency, but what I'm wondering is, my taste buds have changed or things just don't taste the same, like my tuna! It's like it doesn't taste like tuna, it doesn't really taste of much, it's in date I checked, my red bull this morning tasted differently then usual also, my lasagne didn't taste the same either, like I'm not guna lie I'm a tiny bit freaking but mostly not, I have 2 kids already and gave up wanting more but please tell me I'm crazy and making it all up in my head and that I'm just being silly!