In a pickle


Hi guys so this might be a long one…

But I am currently living with my partner (we have a pretty good relationship most of the time) and our 3 yo son. I am also pregnant with our second baby and am due in May.

We are currently renting a house that is being put up for sale soon so we are not sure if we will be able to stay but we also just want to move anyway because it is getting too small for us especially with a 4th person on the way.

We almost rented a house (signed the lease, paid the bond and everything!) but we realised quickly it was INFESTED with cockroaches and the ones that are hard to get rid of too (plus it was an apartment) and I told my partner I’m not living here I’m going back to the office now to return the keys.

LUCKILY when I did that there were no dramas and they actually totally understood and We were able to get our money back! GREAT!

Although not great cos now we have almost all of our stuff in boxes at our currently place, beds have also been dismantled and it’s just an annoying situation.

I am less annoyed than my partner he got downright angry at ME because I didn’t want to live somewhere like that. But he needs to know I will not bring a baby home to those conditions as well as have my 3yo there. It was bad guys.

Anyway, so we had a fight. He is annoyed and thinks we won’t find anywhere to live and honestly I’m a little worried too but I know we aren’t getting kicked out of where we currently are yet so at least we still have a home!

I am a lot less stressed and would’ve been way more stressed to move somewhere with a bad infestation than to be where we are now. I hope he comes around and see’s it from my point of view but in the meantime we definitely disagree on the whole ordeal.

Just wanted to rant, sorry for the long post!