Sleep deprived

I know that sleep deprivation is a thing.. I went through it with my first. However once she was settled back to sleep she would just sleep, no issues.

My son on the other hand will be 8 months at the end of this month and he is just the worse sleeper ever.

He started rolling around 4ish months which was fine. Once we got to 5 months and ever since then he just wakes through the night constantly and he is just so unbelievably restless that I worry its not even normal anymore.

He will wake and just roll about!!! Not even kidding he just cotinues to roll. If that doesnt work he will sit up constantly when he wakes through the night. Literally those two things he will do constantly with every wake up. Is anyone elses kid like this?

I feed him to sleep or rock him put him down and as soon as i put him down he goes on his tummy but then will roll to his back and then tummy on repeat because he is just sooo restless.

Im at my wits end, i wake 3-4 times a night