I'm literally so upset....sorry I need to rant!!

Taylor • Hi my names Taylor and my husbands name is Kyle, we’ve been together 12 years now and married 5 years this July. I want to be a mom more than anything. We've been ttc for 9 years now. I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm a pretty easy person to get along wi

So to start out I am currently 2 weeks late for my period and I've only had 2 faint positives. Well today I went to my doctor's appointment to see what's going on and for them to confirm weather I was pregnant or not. Well I do have irregular periods as well and so I wasn't sure what the outcome was gonna be. I was about 50/50 on weather I was or wasn't pregnant. Well today at my appointment they do a pregnancy test and literally not even 2 minutes after getting into our room the nurse comes in and is like "Your definitely pregnant!" as she's holding the pregnancy test. The pregnancy test is clearly positive with 2 lines. And I start bawling my eyes out and my husband starts crying too. We're hugging each other so excited that we're finally pregnant. We were talking about how I wasn't getting positives at home and this one was positive. We were literally so excited...and not even 2 minutes later she comes in and says "Oh my gosh I am so sorry...that's not your test that's someone else's." My heart literally sank onto the floor....and my body just slumped and I just remember feeling hopeless and defeated and just really upset. I looked at my husband and started crying again. She says "I'm so sorry...let me go get a couple tests and we'll do yours. Because we haven't done yours yet...so it could still be positive." She walks out my husband looks at me I look back at him and we both start to cry and we just knew yeah this isn't it. I remember thinking like I knew it was too good to be true...I knew something was off. Because why would I get a positive today when I had just took one at home and it was negative. Well she then comes in does 2 tests and the whole time I'm sitting there like I don't even care right now because I know it's not true. I remember wanting to just get up and walk out of that room. I am honestly heartbroken you guys. This literally took a tole on us both. I don't know how to feel right now about it. All I know is it sucks and I'm just torn apart about it. So please pray for us...give us some support please we could use it.💔💔😢