Shitty parent

I’m feeling like the works worst parent.. because my daughter has been having trouble sleeping i used melatonin so we could all get some much needed sleep. My daughter is 19 months (I know it’s not recommended) buy I was starting to run on 3 hours of sleep every night and I just couldn’t handle it anymore.. it would take us 1-2 hours to get her to sleep and she would scream cry but for her naps she wouldn’t struggle and sleep 1-2 hours sometimes more if we let her. Now I have used it for 4 nights and she has sleep 12 hours straight and has Been in a much better mood during the day. The dosage was always very little less than half tonight we didn’t use it but for those 4 days she seemed to get into a routine but tonight it went past her bedtime again because she cried and didn’t want to Sleep and we didn’t use melatonin it took and you’re to get her to sleep. I don’t want to use the melatonin anymore and just get her in a routine.. I’m welcome to ideas even food ms that produce melatonin or ways for her to produce it naturally.

UPDATE: I had never put her on a schedule I should have but I could never do it.. I would have to travel back & forth from Vegas to San Diego when my daughter was between 3-5 months (due to my husbands work) then when I finally moved back for good to San Diego it was hard to have her on a schedule because I would start it then it would get ruined because we travel to vegas 1 weekend to sometimes 2 weeks every month. When we went to vegas I wanted to at least have 1 night for me to go out and my daughter just would not go to sleep without me and my boob. I know it’s not too late for a schedule and I’m trying but it’s hard when I’m the only one trying to be strict about it. I have her be awake by 8 am and nap at 1-2:30 or 3 and then she eats dinner at 6 and at 7 I start her bath and then we give her a massage, brush her teeth, read her a book and I sing to her but she won’t sleep without my boob ( I don’t produce milk anymore) so I sing to her over and over again and she seems relaxed and ready to sleep but she fights it and I’m doing this for over an hour. We turn off the tv 2 hours before bed but my husband has is computer on. And we try to tire her out and just be as boring as possible. I even let her just cry it out until she falls asleep but I mean screaming at the top of her lungs. I give her no sugar 4 hours before bed she drinks pure water and milk but only after dinner. She’s so attached to me and I love it but only I can soothe her and I just need a break. I want her to let go of the boob. I should also mention I’m 7 months pregnant and for a while I thought maybe it’s because I’m pregnant but I don’t know. Also I do want to point out that before I made the decision to use the melatonin drops I used lavender and even the melatonin bubble bath for kids. Did the massage with the zarbees nighttime oil and sprayed the room with the zarbeex nighttime spray. Now I put lavender essential oils in all my humidifiers I start it at after dinner to hopefully relax her. I dim the light for her bath and getting her ready for bed. While getting her to sleep I massage her head because she puts my hand there to massage her. I tried the tart cherry juice, banana, goji berries, salmon which I read is meant to produce melatonin naturally. For her bath the body wash is lavender also.