Worried, upset & frustrated 😡

I'm 5 months pregnant and just had my anatomy scan. My bf has other children (2 girls, 2 boys) and this would be our first together. I'm already worried due to having a miscarriage previously with him. Today I ate like crap due to depression. I wasnt depressed until after the scan (yesterday). No, nothing is wrong with baby but bf made some comments to me during the scan that hurt me. I know its not pregnancy hormones on why I'm feeling this way. Honestly prior to finding out I was pregnant I was already distancing myself. Then when I noticed I didn't have my period is when I told him. He has always been adamant about wanting children with me and now that I'm pregnant he's made it seem as if its my "fault" for getting pregnant. Stating things like "now, I don't want any more children" or "you knew you could get pregnant so you should've protected yourself with the pill." One minute he's fawning over me being pregnant (worried, hoping we're doing well, checking on me) and the next its like he gets irritated when I give updates on the baby. Its very hot & cold as well as mentally draining. Fast forward to the anatomy scan yesterday and he talks about his other children (doesn't bother me, I'm very close to them) during the entire scan. Telling the tech this baby wasn't planned, etc...the worry/irritation for me came from the comment...if I say "give me my baby (right after birth) I expect to get my child." He explained further by then stating, "you're young (35) you can have more children and she's mine". Meaning: I'm only carrying the baby for the time needed in the womb once she's born she'll be with him full-time. I'm also irritated by the fact that you basically told me you didn't want any more children so what makes you think I'm going to "give" her to you. His response just because you're a woman doesn't mean you know best for MY baby. I have no idea what to do...BTW, I am high-risk & the anatomy scan has been the ONLY appointment (or anything else for that matter) that he has done for this baby.

His whole mentality towards women has become blatantly disgusting over the last yr due to an ongoing custody battle with his ex-wife for their children. The children want to be with him due to her physically/mentally abusing them but due to their ages (9 -13) they aren't entitled to choose. Originally he couldn't have them full-time due to his overseas employment but now he's home full-time so he can.