Send help!

Hey girls!

I need some help 😬

I always used to have regular periods - tracked w <a href="">Eve</a>

But this time around after going on vacation w my husband I’ve been having some symptoms like


Feeling dizzy / light headed

VERY and easily tired

Sometimes nauseous - but doesn’t happen often

And my period was a day late then started w some spotting and now it’s WAY lighter than I usually get

I had one day of a little heavier period but that was it! It also used to last like a week but this time around it’s been 4 days and it already looks like it’s ending

Any advice or help? Could I be pregnant?

Ps- im not on any birth control/condom

it was also my ‘first’ time drinking and having inter course again after 3years since I had my first born

Thank you so much!