Took out my TTC frustration on my husband


I’m turning 31 soon. Husband is 32. This is our 10th month TTC. I start my period in 7 days. I already have a feeling that it’s not happening this month. I’ve been extremely emotional, and on edge today (PMS).

Today a little inconvenience happened, and I had a mini melt down. He asks me what’s wrong and why I am acting so stressed out. I snapped back “you know why”. He tells me, “honey it’s ok. It’s just going to take some time is all.” For some reason him saying this just made me more upset 😩 i know the way I acted was immature because my husband did nothing wrong, and I was just being a whiny brat. I couldn’t control myself, or hold tears back.

I have to make an appointment with my gyno, but honestly I’m scared. I don’t know where to start. I’m scared of beginning these next steps. I just wish it could happen the old fashioned way like everyone I know, but I’m sure that’s not going to be my story.