Weird Cycle


Sorry this is going to be a long post!

I’ve been feeling a bit off for the last 2 weeks. I’m currently out of my home country, and since it doesn’t feel like enough of an emergency to be able to go the the hospital, I’m hoping for another pair of eyes to maybe give me a little insight on possibilities of what could be going on this cycle.

On CD 9 I had cramps that were nauseating. These cramps lasted till a bit into the next day, but finally broke. My guess as to what was going on was either ovulation or IBS. They were on my right side too, but it was central pain that radiated outwards. The thought did cross that maybe it was appendicitis, but the area wasn’t swollen.

Since then, I keep thinking like I feel these quick cramps in my ovary areas, stomach and side body area sometimes too. On CD 13 my CM was wet, and CD 15 it was sticky. CD 16 I was having these dull cramps in my ovary area. They only lasted for the day, and wasn’t intense. On top of all this, my mood has been all over the place. I’ve been having a lot more anxiety attacks. And from CD 16 I was having bowel movement changes (diarrhea, constipation), loss of appetite, weight loss. Yesterday, I had a normal bowel movement and my appetite has been back to normal for almost a week now. I really am at a huge loss as to what’s going on. Nothing like this has ever happened. I’m unsure if it’s just stress, hormonal balance or something more. The flower on the chart is the supposed day I ovulate, but I follow that day on these apps with a grain of salt.

My diet and life schedule has changed a bit over the last 3 months. I’m only on supplements. I was taking pastoefemin, but stopped using it a few days ago as I was worried it was messing with estrogen. Could anyone tell me what’s going on in my chart? Maybe I can align something with that info. I highly value everyone’s insight.