Can I Help?


We have a 2yo and our second on the way. My husband STILL hates poop. It gets so deep under my skin because the instant the poop diaper comes off it NEEDS to be in the trash can outside of the house or he says it will make him puke. Yes, I get some poops are stinky, but we even have a diaper genie style trash just for diapers and he will not use it for poops.

In my head...this is a bit dramatic. I also want to cloth diaper our second and he is adamant that it will get poop all over our washing machine and effectively prevent his clothes from being properly clean. I'm so frustrated because I've been slowly making our home more environmentally friendly and this is kind of a big deal to me and hes worried baby poop will touch his pants while they're getting washed, or it will leave residue in the washer so the next cycle is exposed to poop. I'm just up a tree with this man about this and I don't know how to convince him that it's OKAY for poop to exist.

Our son pooped in a reusable swim diaper...$15 the park and this man ended the park trip and threw away the swim diaper! Because it had poop on it!