2 Miscarriages and ready to give up!

Allison • 👼🏼👼🏼🌈👶🏻3/28/2023

I’m devastated and ready to quit. I suffered a miscarriage last year around the same time around 8 weeks. I was already miscarrying before I even got to my appointment. It was a heartbreaking experience to hold my unborn child in my hands. It took me months to want to try again as the experience of miscarrying was painful both emotionally and physically.

My husband and I tried again with the help of medication this year and got lucky. However he was already gone on deployment by the time we found out. I was so hopeful and happy. I got to see my baby on the ultrasound, that heartbeat was all I dreamed of and it became a realty. A week later I went for a check up because I’m high risk and found out there was no heartbeat again at 8 weeks. My whole world came crashing down. Again I had to hold my unborn child in my hands and it killed me. I had to go through that same physical and emotional pain. I’m having to go through this one alone as my husbands gone. How do you deal with the emotional pain being alone? I’m ready to quit as I feel like I can’t go through this a third time. I’m just ready to believe I’m not supposed to have children. I work in social work and watch parents not take care of there kids. Why do they deserve children but someone like me doesn’t? How do you get through a second one and be hopeful anymore? How do you build that strength back up without feeling like you should just quit trying?