POTTY TRAINING! Help me pleaseeee


Hey mamas! I need help/advice. This weekend we started to potty train our 2.5 year old. She had almost all the signs of readiness, except for I’m not sure if she has control over her bladder. Like how are you supposed to know that haha. She loves sitting on the potty, but hasn’t peed on it yet. We’ve been trying for 3 days and had her sit on her potty every 20 minutes. She sat on her potty every 20 minutes for the whole day and still would pee in her pants and not the toilet. By the 2nd day she was sick of sitting on the potty all of the time so we moved it to having her sit on it every 40 minutes, but still she hasn’t peed in the potty once. I don’t know if this means she doesn’t really know when she has to pee and it just happens or she just doesn’t want to pee on the potty. Should I keep trying for the rest of the week or stop the potty training for now and try again in a few months? Any one had this happen? I feel like if she would just pee in it once maybe it would click for her 😫