Parenting issue?

So my husband came from an abusive childhood..

But has never been physically abusive to me. We have a 1 year old together. He's never seemed abusive to our child

However, he never wants to help "parent" our child or help with our child at all really until it comes to "discipline"

And no, im not saying we full on discipline our 1 year old. But what I mean is, he hardly plays with our child, never changes diapers, never does bath time, never fixes our child food or drinks. I do all of of that. By myself. But the minute, our child is messing with something they don't need to mess with like cords, etc... Hes all about "getting on to" our child...

I'm worried that because of his past, that he will start to get more aggressive when getting on to our child.

I hope I'm making sense. Idk I'm just all in my head right now