Wow please help


So…. I’m very confused. Let’s start last month. The 2nd of February I stopped my birth control and didn’t have a withdrawal bleed until the 18-21st. It was a light/medium flow.

My normal periods are 7-8 days heavy flow for almost the entire time.

Today, I’d be 7 days late from my normal cycle. Two days ago I took this test

And thought, well crap. Here we go. But it’s been two days and I tested with a clearblue and it was completely negative.

So with no sign of af and the fact I used opks along with pregnancy tests to see if my period would start, I’m wondering if maybe my withdrawal bleed was just a weird period (for me), because the day I took that test I got a line darker then the control on my opk.

I did test that out and it went down yesterday and again today.

So could I be mid cycle after all? And that test was just an indent?