I don’t know how to deal..

Kayla • 🌈🌈

I suffered an ectopic pregnancy… and I know that the baby had no chance from the start but I’m still so sad… i had emergency surgery on the 23rd to remove the pregnancy, and to clean out all the fluid/blood in my abdomen from a MASSIVE ovarian cyst I that ruptured at the same time. My body still thinks I’m pregnant… I took a test and it’s still positive. I’m just so lost. I want to try again, but also I’m so afraid to. One of my coworkers is pregnant and our due dates would’ve been in the same month… probably within a week of one another and her pregnancy is continuing on but I lost my baby… I have to go to work everyday and hear about her pregnancy and I’m just so so sad. I’m happy for her… she deserves to be happy… but she’s not even really excited to be pregnant… and didn’t really even want another kid and wasn’t trying. But I was ready… me and hubs were actually trying… it all feels so unfair. How do I cope with the feelings of sadness whenever someone shares their good news… I have to wait at least 3 months to try again if my body even has a period in that time because I have to have a procedure done to make sure my tube that the EP was in isn’t blocked. I don’t want to have to wait… I’m wishing the baby I did have was were they were supposed to be. It’s so unfair 😭😭😭😭