Freebirth story


41+5.. holyfreakingwow

My freebirth was AMAZING.

I had some castor oil (approx 1.5-2tbs) around 11pm thursday night, my intuition told me that I needed to help bring baby out. Then had 2tsp around 8pm last night(Friday) for some reason everything in me was telling me I had to help things along.

Contractions started pretty mild, i had some intense pressure and pain radiating down my inner thighs I DID NOT KNOW that it was really labour even when the contractions were regular. I got the kids to bed a little after midnight and laid down myself.. finally decided things were seeming pretty regular and pulled out my contraction app to see how far apart they were.. well as soon as I clicked the contraction button my waters broke around 1am, I called my neighbours, my mum and bubs dad. Walked through the contractions, did some cleaning and washing and filled the pool. I was so calm and excited the whole entire time. Trusting my body and my baby was the easiest thing. Neighbour arrived around 1:30ish Bubs dad arrived around 2am. We just hung out and got things ready. I got in the pool a little after 3am. Things were still pretty chill but I felt the need to be in the water. Chucked some music on at some point. An hour later things were feeling more intense so dad got into the pool. Dad applied pressure to my lower back during each contraction cutting the pain in half. Another half hour passed and I couldn't stop myself pushing during some contractions. Another few minutes and I looked with a mirror to see something had come out. Some blood or a chunk of placenta I'm not sure. 5 mins later neighbour heads off to change her top. Another minute and she starts crowning. 1-2 more minutes pass and the head is out. Another 2 mins and another contraction and push brings her shoulders out. 2 more minutes and she comes out. I pull her up to my chest and we sit for a minute before I hand her to dad to de tangle myself from the cord because it's super short. And then back to dad she went while I pushed out the placenta piece by piece.

There was not a single moment where I felt like I couldn't do it. It was such a calm beautiful experience. She feeds beautifully and is so so snuggly.