Thoughts on this? Please and Thank you!

My doctor diagnosed me with PPD (postpartum depression) after 5 months of slowly progressing symptoms (meaning mood swings, extreme sadness and anger, irritability, confusing appetite and sleep patterns, etc.)

My partner/ baby daddy is also stressed and feeling depressed from working a full time job with overtime. We both are receiving help and his mom has been a support beam the whole process. She loves her grandchild as it's her first and wants to spend unlimited time with her has a set up nursery in her home and is always offering help and “support.”

On the other hand, his mom feels our mental health as a couple is unhealthy for baby seeing as lately we have been fighting often and asking her for lots of babysitting help. Both my partner and I go to her occasionally for relationship advice, she stays neutral as possible while recommending “sometimes it is what it is & love can't conquer all" which isn't helpful. Our relationship is still fresh and we're still learning each other. We both feel like as new parents we are handling our situation as best we can.

Instead of having our backs and offering help after a bad mental health day (I slept through the day and missed MIL coming to drop baby off) his mom called the cops and threatened to involve cps to “help.” After cops assisted me to the hospital to make Appt Refferrals. I was trespassed from her home, lawyers have been contacted, and cutting off insurance/phone service has been threatened.

What else can she do? What can we do to protect ourselves? Please, since this issue has quickly taken such a legal route, any advice to keep our family as stable as it is would be truly helpful. Thank you 😌