Opinions please…


I took a pregnancy test 2/19 and it was positive so I took another test on 2/19 and it was negative….. took like 6 more before making a doctor appointment and they were all negative so on 2/22 I went to the doctor and they took urine and it was negative so they took blood and it came back negative…. I’m 12 days late for my period (I’ve never had this problem my period had always been on time or even a day early!) so I had yet another appointment today (3/8) and they took blood again and it was still negative (<2.39) so am I pregnant? It is too soon? Because my last period started 1/22 so that would make me 6 weeks 1 day I need help because I have no idea what do to now… I have a 14 month old so I know what being pregnant feels like but I’ve only had 1 positive test out of I’d say 20 including the ones my doctor has done….. options? Opinions?


At 15 days late I started bleeding….