Day of expected period, spotting & postive test advice


Hi! So this would be my fourth pregnancy (all living children) but I’ve never had this happen other than my daughter I had a hematoma I think it was called and I bled for a day or two. Anyways, the past maybe week I’ve been spotting light brown but never enough to fill a pad. And I thought it was my period coming on. My cycles are typically 28 days except the last one & this one were 33 days long. Today is the day of my expected period but I got a pretty positive test result & after I wiped there was some light red blood on the toilet paper (not in the toilet) and some light spotting on the pad I had on. Yesterday I had it happen too, only once but this time it had some slimy egg white type stretchy discharge mixed in. The reason for taking the test was I just felt ‘off’ and had some light cramping in my lower back. Today I have far and few light cramps in my lower belly but nothing like a period would feel. I guess I’m just looking for some advice and to see if anyone had anything similar happen to them & what the out come was. Google freaked me out & it’s the weekend so I don’t want to waste the er or doctors time. Thanks in advance :)